Tuesday 16 November 2010

Preliminary Task

 Continuity Task.

I created a scene involving a character opening a door, crossing a room and sitting down in a chair opposite another character. They then had to exchange a few lines or dialogue. I then had to edit this to make the clip flow into one another, I also had to demonstrate the use of shot/reverse shot and match on action in the clip.

(Camilla enters room with Sam sitting on chair and she sits down opposite)
Camilla – Hello,
Sam – Hi,
Camilla – What you doing?
Sam – Reading…
Camilla – Cool. How’s your day been?
Sam – Mmmm…
Camilla – Cool. What you doing tonight?
(Sam slams book down)
Sam – Excuse me I’m trying to read here!


Shot list.
Shot 1 - 
Shot 2 -
Shot 3 -
Shot 4 -
Close up.

Production Schedule.
To begin this task I drew a storyboard of each of the clips, to show which camera angles would be used and to know exactly what will happen in the shot. I then created a script that the actors would follow, we then took the camera out with us and managed to film the whole clip in one lesson without needing to go  back to film some parts again as there were no faults with the clips we got. We then began editing in the following lesson, although I wasn't in this lesson I knew how to put all the clips together and how to make the shots flow into each other.

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